You may have been warned about floaters (those bright little dots that only you can see, which last for a few seconds), especially if you have a high prescription in your eyes. But are they really so serious that you need to worry about them? Floaters may occur for a number of reasons, but they aren’t always dangerous or requiring a visit to the ER. Keep reading to learn about floaters and some of the myths about them.
Floaters Mean You Will Go Blind
Experiencing floaters does not automatically mean that you are going to lose your vision, and they don’t mean that you must rush to the hospital for a medical emergency. Just as the rest of our body ages, our eyes do, too. Loosened cells that come up as the eye ages often cause the little floating dots or lines in your vision, and will resolve themselves in a short amount of time. Those of us who are very nearsighted, have diabetes, or who have had a cataract operation are more likely to have floaters. If they obstruct your vision, then it is time to get your doctor on the phone.
Floaters are Harmless
Unfortunately, sometimes floaters can indicate a serious eye issue. If your eye doctor has specifically warned you about floaters, keep that advice in mind and be vigilant in case something out of the ordinary does occur. In certain patients, floaters may mean something serious is happening to the eye, especially if they remain longer than a few seconds.
Permanent vision loss may occur in certain patients, so if your doctor has specifically warned you to watch out for floaters, then heed their advice. We’re all different, so don’t brush off something that your doctor has warned you about.
In the end, it all depends on your eyes and what you’re susceptible to. If you have great eye health, floaters are likely harmless, whereas if you have an issue they can signal a greater threat. If you’re concerned about your eye health or have questions about glaucoma, macular degeneration, or other eye issues then give us a call at (707) 546-9800 to schedule a consultation today.