What is glaucoma?
The providers at Eye Care Institute describe glaucoma as an eye disease that results from higher pressure in the eyes than normal. It can damage the optic nerve, and it may be difficult to spot in the early stages as there are no noticeable side effects or warning signs. This is why patients are encouraged to visit their ophthalmologist often for evaluations which can lead to early detection and treatment. With the help of our professional team, we can help you maintain healthy eyes and vision longer.
What are symptoms of glaucoma?
The later stages of glaucoma can cause:
- Blind spots throughout vision
- Tunnel vision or blurry vision
- Redness and/or pain in the eyes
- Severe headaches
- Halos around lights
- Nausea and vomiting
Who is at a higher risk of developing glaucoma?
The following individuals may be at a much higher risk of developing this condition:
- Patients over the age of 60
- Patients with family history of glaucoma
- Patients with diabetes
- Patients who have extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness
- Patients who have had previous eye surgeries or trauma
- Patients who have been using eye drops long-term
With early detection during routine eye examinations, our team can detect glaucoma even before side effects occur, preventing further progression of the disease that can lead to permanent vision loss.
Schedule a visit with our team at Eye Care Institute today!
With three convenient locations throughout the area, our providers are here to help with glaucoma and other eye conditions. We are dedicated to ensuring that patients have access to the care they require to get an early diagnosis or seek appropriate treatment for their unique situations. Call the Eye Care Institute’s main line at (707) 546-9800 to book your next appointment.